A few of our favourites …

Rubic's Return cover

Second novel Rubic’s Return in the YA series ‘All the Sky’ was our second project for author Avalon Weston. Kevin Booth at Poble Sec Books undertook the copy-editing, internal print layout and ebook formatting, and also the cover art and design. We did the same for The Running, first book in the series, and for her winter tale, Sian and the Winterwife, though in the latter case the art was produced in collaboration with AGY, Sara Gronmark and Andreu León. Sian and the Winterwife is available in English, Spanish and soon in Welsh.

Coup de Fouet No 30 cover

Technically not a Poble Sec Books project, but one of which we are intensely proud. Since early 2011 Kevin Booth has been the copy-editor, English translator and proofreader for coupDefouet. This magazine focusses on Art Nouveau and all its European variants such as Jugendstil, Liberty and Modernisme. Published twice yearly by the Barcelona City Council and the Art Nouveau European Route.

Author Orlando Pearson is both passionate and prolific on the subject of the world-renowned sleuth Sherlock Holmes. He has published over 20 individual stories and five volumes of tales in the narrative style of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, often playing with historical period and genre to reflect upon current issues. Kevin Booth has been his developmental and copy editor since the beginning.

Ria Booth’s memoir, Pied Piper Child – telling of her years of evacuation from the London Blitz to the English countryside as a little girl – was an ambitious project. The layout in print and ebook required photos on almost every page. The project involved sourcing historical documents, fact-checking for accuracy and contacting people from her past who could enrich the narrative with their own recollections. Developmental editing by Avalon Weston, copy editing, layout and cover design by Kevin Booth.